Dodaj produkty podając kody
Children’s Sexual Development
- A book for parents of children from 0 to 18 years of age. It is us, as parents, who are responsible for shaping their healthy sexuality.
A book for parents of children from 0 to 18 years of age. It is us, as parents, who are responsible for shaping their healthy sexuality.
Having a conversation about sexuality is a huge challenge for most parents. We don’t know how to react, which words to use, and how to protect a child from harassment of a sexual nature. We lack a healthy pattern of sexuality ourselves that we can consciously pass on to our children.
This book is like a first aid kit to responsibly support your child’s healthy sexual development. It will help you to learn:
what sexuality is and how it develops from birth to full maturity
how to talk to and consciously support a child in the process of developing sexuality
how to avoid common mistakes that limit sexual development
how to protect a child from assault and harassment of a sexual nature
how to raise a sexually conscious human, assertive and able to express her/his needs
Sexuality is a natural aspect of human life. Nevertheless, we consider it a social taboo. Let us take responsibility as parents and pass on to our children a positive model of sexuality. Let’s not leave it to institutions, the Internet, friends or the children themselves.
Who is the author?
Karolina Piotrowska – psychologist and sexologist, works with pregnant women, parents and children. She has been delivering workshops on the sexual development of children since 2013. A proponent of positive sexual education and positive sexuality.